
Jeremiah Ford

2305 Sandalwood Circle Apt. 110 C

Ann Arbor, MI 48105


(734) 496-3744



Formal Training

Manchester High School – 1995-1999

General Studies

Washtenaw Community College 2001-2002

General Studies


Self Studies

I.  English - Books Studied

      a. The Screenwriter’s Bible - by David Trottier

      b. Fundamentals of English Grammar – By Betty Schrampfer Azar

      c. Strunk and White – The Elements of Style


II. Creative Writings

      a. I have written three screenplays and one play (request to see).

      b. I have written several short stories (unavailable stolen laptop).

      c. numerous sets of lyrics and poems. (request to see).

      *(Countless Numbers of Hours Spent Writing and Editing Creative Pieces.)


III. Art Books Studied

      a. Drawing People – Barbara Bradley

      b. The 15-Minute Artist – Catherine V. Holmes

      c. You can Draw Marvel Characters – Dan Jurgens

      d. Watercolor Pencil – Pat Averill, Barbara Benedetti Newton, and Debra Kauffman Yaun

      e. Keys to Drawing – Bert Dodson

      f. Paint People in Acrylic – Lee Hammond

      g.Drawing & Painting – Stan Smith


IV. Artwork

      a. I have about fifty realistic and surrealistic pencil drawings and about fifty abstract paintings in my unique styles.


V. Photography

      a.Digital Photography – Michael Wright

      I have about of a hundred hand picked photos out of several hundreds (Macro, Landscape, and Scenery,)

(Creative pieces Available upon Request.)


VI. Music


I. Bands/Projects

      a. Kamikaze Birthright – (Rock Band) Bass Player 1997-1999

            i. created, practiced and performed several songs at many locations.

            ii. recorded a three song demo at a professional studio.                                                             

      b. WCC (Washtenaaw Community College) Jazz Band – Upright Bass Player 2001-2002

            i. practiced a lot of jazz standards and performed in the Morris Lawrence Building (Music Studies Building at WCC).

      c. Contract Blues Band – Bass Player 2003-2005

            i. practiced 20-30  blues and rock songs and performed at parties, weddings, concerts, and all sorts of  other celebrations.

            ii. recorded a three song demo using the latest digital recording processing on a laptop that was top of the line for that era.

      d. Shapeless Construct – (Death Metal Band) Bass Player 2003-2005

            i.  practiced/learned and then recorded bass guitar parts to three original songs creating a demo.

      e. JDSY and G.O.N.E. – (multi-instrumentalist) Experimental Electronic/Rock Recording Collaboration Project (2011-2023)

            i. JDSY,  formally known as Joesph David Sims and myself under the acronym G.O.N.E. (Gallery of Nugatory Effort) wrote and recorded  20+ songs and                         uploaded them onto streaming services including Spotify, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Apple Music,

            and many, others.

      f. Factory of Wondrous Remedies For The Broken (F.O.W.R.F.T.B) – (Electronic/Rock Recording & Art Project) Solo Band Project (2015- Current).

            i. practiced/wrote/memorized/recorded the guitar parts to twelve original songs.

            ii. practiced/wrote/recorded the synthesizers for the twelve songs.

            iii. created drums through altering metered parts in a drum machine in Logic Pro. 

            iiii. wrote and sang lyrics with melodies to 9-10 songs.

(recordings available upon request).


As you can see, I don’t have a very large formal section in this resume because I became disabled in 2003 and haven’t been able to work a regular job or go to school due to my illness symptoms and medication side effects. But I have been working as much as I can on my artistic endeavors.